Easter Community Breakfast And Service At Water’s Edge Church

Waters-Edge-ChurchWater’s Edge Church wants to invite everyone to a special Easter continental breakfast this Sunday morning at 9:30 at the activity center at Bay Horizon Park in Birch Bay.

Bring your friends and family to share a delicious meal with your neighbors at Water’s Edge. This is a free gift from the church family to our community.

Easter CrossStick around afterward for a special Easter worship service at 10 a.m. and hear how the power of the resurrection can change your life.

You also are invited to join Water’s Edge for a special Good Friday worship service this Friday, March 29, at 7 p.m. In addition to remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary, there will be a time of communion during the service and fellowship afterward.

The church is located at 7511 Gemini Road in Birch Bay, and worships every Sunday at 10 a.m. For more information about Water’s Edge, its upcoming events or its local service projects, visit http://www.watersedgewa.com or call Pastor Jim Carberry (389-3529).

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